momo  3.9
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > Class Template Reference

momo::stdish::unordered_map is similar to std::unordered_map, but much more efficient in memory usage. The implementation is based on hash table with buckets in the form of small arrays. More...

#include <unordered_map.h>

Public Types

typedef TKey key_type
typedef TMapped mapped_type
typedef THashFunc hasher
typedef TEqualFunc key_equal
typedef TAllocator allocator_type
typedef HashMap nested_container_type
typedef size_t size_type
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type
typedef std::pair< const key_type, mapped_typevalue_type
typedef momo::internal::HashDerivedIterator< HashMapIterator, momo::internal::MapReferenceStditerator
typedef iterator::ConstIterator const_iterator
typedef iterator::Reference reference
typedef const_iterator::Reference const_reference
typedef iterator::Pointer pointer
typedef const_iterator::Pointer const_pointer
typedef internal::map_node_handle< typename HashMap::ExtractedPairnode_type
typedef internal::insert_return_type< iterator, node_typeinsert_return_type
typedef momo::internal::HashDerivedIterator< typename HashMap::BucketBounds::Iterator, momo::internal::MapReferenceStdlocal_iterator
typedef local_iterator::ConstIterator const_local_iterator

Public Member Functions

 unordered_map ()
 unordered_map (const allocator_type &alloc)
 unordered_map (size_type bucketCount, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 unordered_map (size_type bucketCount, const hasher &hashFunc, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 unordered_map (size_type bucketCount, const hasher &hashFunc, const key_equal &equalFunc, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
template<typename Iterator >
 unordered_map (Iterator first, Iterator last)
template<typename Iterator >
 unordered_map (Iterator first, Iterator last, size_type bucketCount, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
template<typename Iterator >
 unordered_map (Iterator first, Iterator last, size_type bucketCount, const hasher &hashFunc, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
template<typename Iterator >
 unordered_map (Iterator first, Iterator last, size_type bucketCount, const hasher &hashFunc, const key_equal &equalFunc, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values)
 unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values, size_type bucketCount, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values, size_type bucketCount, const hasher &hashFunc, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 unordered_map (std::initializer_list< value_type > values, size_type bucketCount, const hasher &hashFunc, const key_equal &equalFunc, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
 unordered_map (unordered_map &&right) noexcept
 unordered_map (unordered_map &&right, const momo::internal::Identity< allocator_type > &alloc) noexcept(std::is_empty< allocator_type >::value)
 unordered_map (const unordered_map &right)
 unordered_map (const unordered_map &right, const momo::internal::Identity< allocator_type > &alloc)
 ~unordered_map ()=default
unordered_mapoperator= (unordered_map &&right) noexcept(std::is_empty< allocator_type >::value||std::allocator_traits< allocator_type >::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value)
unordered_mapoperator= (const unordered_map &right)
unordered_mapoperator= (std::initializer_list< value_type > values)
void swap (unordered_map &right) noexcept
const nested_container_typeget_nested_container () const noexcept
nested_container_typeget_nested_container () noexcept
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
iterator begin () noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
float max_load_factor () const noexcept
void max_load_factor (float maxLoadFactor)
hasher hash_function () const
key_equal key_eq () const
allocator_type get_allocator () const noexcept
size_type max_size () const noexcept
size_type size () const noexcept
MOMO_NODISCARD bool empty () const noexcept
void clear () noexcept
void rehash (size_type bucketCount)
void reserve (size_type count)
MOMO_FORCEINLINE const_iterator find (const key_type &key) const
MOMO_FORCEINLINE iterator find (const key_type &key)
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf< IsValidKeyArg< KeyArg >::value, const_iteratorfind (const KeyArg &key) const
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf< IsValidKeyArg< KeyArg >::value, iteratorfind (const KeyArg &key)
MOMO_FORCEINLINE size_type count (const key_type &key) const
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf< IsValidKeyArg< KeyArg >::value, size_typecount (const KeyArg &key) const
MOMO_FORCEINLINE bool contains (const key_type &key) const
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf< IsValidKeyArg< KeyArg >::value, bool > contains (const KeyArg &key) const
MOMO_FORCEINLINE std::pair< const_iterator, const_iteratorequal_range (const key_type &key) const
MOMO_FORCEINLINE std::pair< iterator, iteratorequal_range (const key_type &key)
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf< IsValidKeyArg< KeyArg >::value, std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > > equal_range (const KeyArg &key) const
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf< IsValidKeyArg< KeyArg >::value, std::pair< iterator, iterator > > equal_range (const KeyArg &key)
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (std::pair< key_type, mapped_type > &&value)
iterator insert (const_iterator hint, std::pair< key_type, mapped_type > &&value)
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf< std::is_constructible< key_type, const First & >::value &&std::is_constructible< mapped_type, const Second & >::value, std::pair< iterator, bool > > insert (const std::pair< First, Second > &value)
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf< std::is_constructible< key_type, const First & >::value &&std::is_constructible< mapped_type, const Second & >::value, iteratorinsert (const_iterator hint, const std::pair< First, Second > &value)
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf< std::is_constructible< key_type, First && >::value &&std::is_constructible< mapped_type, Second && >::value, std::pair< iterator, bool > > insert (std::pair< First, Second > &&value)
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf< std::is_constructible< key_type, First && >::value &&std::is_constructible< mapped_type, Second && >::value, iteratorinsert (const_iterator hint, std::pair< First, Second > &&value)
insert_return_type insert (node_type &&node)
iterator insert (const_iterator hint, node_type &&node)
template<typename Iterator >
void insert (Iterator first, Iterator last)
void insert (std::initializer_list< value_type > values)
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace ()
iterator emplace_hint (const_iterator hint)
template<typename ValueArg >
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace (ValueArg &&valueArg)
template<typename ValueArg >
iterator emplace_hint (const_iterator hint, ValueArg &&valueArg)
template<typename KeyArg , typename MappedArg >
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace (KeyArg &&keyArg, MappedArg &&mappedArg)
template<typename KeyArg , typename MappedArg >
iterator emplace_hint (const_iterator hint, KeyArg &&keyArg, MappedArg &&mappedArg)
template<typename... KeyArgs, typename... MappedArgs>
std::pair< iterator, bool > emplace (std::piecewise_construct_t, std::tuple< KeyArgs... > keyArgs, std::tuple< MappedArgs... > mappedArgs)
template<typename... KeyArgs, typename... MappedArgs>
iterator emplace_hint (const_iterator hint, std::piecewise_construct_t, std::tuple< KeyArgs... > keyArgs, std::tuple< MappedArgs... > mappedArgs)
iterator erase (const_iterator where)
iterator erase (iterator where)
iterator erase (const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
size_type erase (const key_type &key)
MOMO_FORCEINLINE HashMap::ValueReferenceRKey operator[] (key_type &&key)
MOMO_FORCEINLINE HashMap::ValueReferenceCKey operator[] (const key_type &key)
MOMO_FORCEINLINE const mapped_typeat (const key_type &key) const
MOMO_FORCEINLINE mapped_typeat (const key_type &key)
template<typename... MappedArgs>
std::pair< iterator, bool > try_emplace (key_type &&key, MappedArgs &&... mappedArgs)
template<typename... MappedArgs>
iterator try_emplace (const_iterator hint, key_type &&key, MappedArgs &&... mappedArgs)
template<typename... MappedArgs>
std::pair< iterator, bool > try_emplace (const key_type &key, MappedArgs &&... mappedArgs)
template<typename... MappedArgs>
iterator try_emplace (const_iterator hint, const key_type &key, MappedArgs &&... mappedArgs)
template<typename MappedArg >
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert_or_assign (key_type &&key, MappedArg &&mappedArg)
template<typename MappedArg >
iterator insert_or_assign (const_iterator hint, key_type &&key, MappedArg &&mappedArg)
template<typename MappedArg >
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert_or_assign (const key_type &key, MappedArg &&mappedArg)
template<typename MappedArg >
iterator insert_or_assign (const_iterator hint, const key_type &key, MappedArg &&mappedArg)
node_type extract (const_iterator where)
node_type extract (const key_type &key)
template<typename Map >
void merge (Map &&map)
size_type max_bucket_count () const noexcept
size_type bucket_count () const noexcept
size_type bucket_size (size_type bucketIndex) const
local_iterator begin (size_type bucketIndex)
const_local_iterator begin (size_type bucketIndex) const
local_iterator end (size_type bucketIndex)
const_local_iterator end (size_type bucketIndex) const
const_local_iterator cbegin (size_type bucketIndex) const
const_local_iterator cend (size_type bucketIndex) const
size_type bucket (const key_type &key) const
float load_factor () const noexcept
bool operator== (const unordered_map &right) const
bool operator!= (const unordered_map &right) const


void swap (unordered_map &left, unordered_map &right) noexcept
template<typename ValueFilter >
size_type erase_if (unordered_map &cont, const ValueFilter &valueFilter)

Detailed Description

template<typename TKey, typename TMapped, typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
class momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >

momo::stdish::unordered_map is similar to std::unordered_map, but much more efficient in memory usage. The implementation is based on hash table with buckets in the form of small arrays.

Deviations from the std::unordered_map:

  1. Container items must be movable (preferably without exceptions) or copyable, similar to items of std::vector.
  2. After each addition or removal of the item all iterators and references to items become invalid and should not be used.
  3. Type reference is not the same as value_type&, so for (auto& p : map) is illegal, but for (auto p : map) or for (const auto& p : map) or for (auto&& p : map) is allowed.
  4. Functions clear, begin, cbegin and iterator increment take O(bucket_count) time in worst case.
  5. If ObjectManager<key_type>::isNothrowAnywayAssignable is false or ObjectManager<mapped_type>::isNothrowAnywayAssignable is false, functions erase can throw exceptions.
  6. Functions merge, extract and insert(node_type&&) move items.

It is allowed to pass to functions insert and emplace references to items within the container.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ allocator_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef TAllocator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::allocator_type

◆ const_iterator

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef iterator::ConstIterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::const_iterator

◆ const_local_iterator

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef local_iterator::ConstIterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::const_local_iterator

◆ const_pointer

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef const_iterator::Pointer momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::const_pointer

◆ const_reference

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef const_iterator::Reference momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::const_reference

◆ difference_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef ptrdiff_t momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::difference_type

◆ hasher

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef THashFunc momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::hasher

◆ insert_return_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef internal::insert_return_type<iterator, node_type> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert_return_type

◆ iterator

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef momo::internal::HashDerivedIterator<HashMapIterator, momo::internal::MapReferenceStd> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::iterator

◆ key_equal

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef TEqualFunc momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::key_equal

◆ key_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef TKey momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::key_type

◆ local_iterator

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef momo::internal::HashDerivedIterator<typename HashMap::BucketBounds::Iterator, momo::internal::MapReferenceStd> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::local_iterator

◆ mapped_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef TMapped momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::mapped_type

◆ nested_container_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef HashMap momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::nested_container_type

◆ node_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef internal::map_node_handle<typename HashMap::ExtractedPair> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::node_type

◆ pointer

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef iterator::Pointer momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::pointer

◆ reference

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef iterator::Reference momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::reference

◆ size_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef size_t momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::size_type

◆ value_type

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
typedef std::pair<const key_type, mapped_type> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::value_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ unordered_map() [1/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( )

◆ unordered_map() [2/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( const allocator_type alloc)

◆ unordered_map() [3/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( size_type  bucketCount,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [4/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( size_type  bucketCount,
const hasher hashFunc,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [5/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( size_type  bucketCount,
const hasher hashFunc,
const key_equal equalFunc,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [6/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename Iterator >
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( Iterator  first,
Iterator  last 

◆ unordered_map() [7/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename Iterator >
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( Iterator  first,
Iterator  last,
size_type  bucketCount,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [8/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename Iterator >
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( Iterator  first,
Iterator  last,
size_type  bucketCount,
const hasher hashFunc,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [9/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename Iterator >
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( Iterator  first,
Iterator  last,
size_type  bucketCount,
const hasher hashFunc,
const key_equal equalFunc,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [10/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values)

◆ unordered_map() [11/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values,
size_type  bucketCount,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [12/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values,
size_type  bucketCount,
const hasher hashFunc,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [13/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( std::initializer_list< value_type values,
size_type  bucketCount,
const hasher hashFunc,
const key_equal equalFunc,
const allocator_type alloc = allocator_type() 

◆ unordered_map() [14/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &&  right)

◆ unordered_map() [15/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &&  right,
const momo::internal::Identity< allocator_type > &  alloc 

◆ unordered_map() [16/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( const unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  right)

◆ unordered_map() [17/17]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::unordered_map ( const unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  right,
const momo::internal::Identity< allocator_type > &  alloc 

◆ ~unordered_map()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::~unordered_map ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ at() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE mapped_type& momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::at ( const key_type key)

◆ at() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE const mapped_type& momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::at ( const key_type key) const

◆ begin() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::begin ( ) const

◆ begin() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::begin ( )

◆ begin() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
local_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::begin ( size_type  bucketIndex)

◆ begin() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_local_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::begin ( size_type  bucketIndex) const

◆ bucket()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::bucket ( const key_type key) const

◆ bucket_count()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::bucket_count ( ) const

◆ bucket_size()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::bucket_size ( size_type  bucketIndex) const

◆ cbegin() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::cbegin ( ) const

◆ cbegin() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_local_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::cbegin ( size_type  bucketIndex) const

◆ cend() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::cend ( ) const

◆ cend() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_local_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::cend ( size_type  bucketIndex) const

◆ clear()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::clear ( )

◆ contains() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE bool momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::contains ( const key_type key) const

◆ contains() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf<IsValidKeyArg<KeyArg>::value, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::contains ( const KeyArg &  key) const

◆ count() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::count ( const key_type key) const

◆ count() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf<IsValidKeyArg<KeyArg>::value, size_type> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::count ( const KeyArg &  key) const

◆ emplace() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace ( )

◆ emplace() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg , typename MappedArg >
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace ( KeyArg &&  keyArg,
MappedArg &&  mappedArg 

◆ emplace() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename... KeyArgs, typename... MappedArgs>
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace ( std::piecewise_construct_t  ,
std::tuple< KeyArgs... >  keyArgs,
std::tuple< MappedArgs... >  mappedArgs 

◆ emplace() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename ValueArg >
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace ( ValueArg &&  valueArg)

◆ emplace_hint() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace_hint ( const_iterator  hint)

◆ emplace_hint() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg , typename MappedArg >
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace_hint ( const_iterator  hint,
KeyArg &&  keyArg,
MappedArg &&  mappedArg 

◆ emplace_hint() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename... KeyArgs, typename... MappedArgs>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace_hint ( const_iterator  hint,
std::piecewise_construct_t  ,
std::tuple< KeyArgs... >  keyArgs,
std::tuple< MappedArgs... >  mappedArgs 

◆ emplace_hint() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename ValueArg >
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::emplace_hint ( const_iterator  hint,
ValueArg &&  valueArg 

◆ empty()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_NODISCARD bool momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::empty ( ) const

◆ end() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::end ( ) const

◆ end() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::end ( )

◆ end() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
local_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::end ( size_type  bucketIndex)

◆ end() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const_local_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::end ( size_type  bucketIndex) const

◆ equal_range() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE std::pair<iterator, iterator> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::equal_range ( const key_type key)

◆ equal_range() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::equal_range ( const key_type key) const

◆ equal_range() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf<IsValidKeyArg<KeyArg>::value, std::pair<iterator, iterator> > momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::equal_range ( const KeyArg &  key)

◆ equal_range() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf<IsValidKeyArg<KeyArg>::value, std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> > momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::equal_range ( const KeyArg &  key) const

◆ erase() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::erase ( const key_type key)

◆ erase() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::erase ( const_iterator  first,
const_iterator  last 

◆ erase() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::erase ( const_iterator  where)

◆ erase() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::erase ( iterator  where)

◆ extract() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
node_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::extract ( const key_type key)

◆ extract() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
node_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::extract ( const_iterator  where)

◆ find() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::find ( const key_type key)

◆ find() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE const_iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::find ( const key_type key) const

◆ find() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf<IsValidKeyArg<KeyArg>::value, iterator> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::find ( const KeyArg &  key)

◆ find() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename KeyArg >
MOMO_FORCEINLINE momo::internal::EnableIf<IsValidKeyArg<KeyArg>::value, const_iterator> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::find ( const KeyArg &  key) const

◆ get_allocator()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
allocator_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::get_allocator ( ) const

◆ get_nested_container() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
const nested_container_type& momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::get_nested_container ( ) const

◆ get_nested_container() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
nested_container_type& momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::get_nested_container ( )

◆ hash_function()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
hasher momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::hash_function ( ) const

◆ insert() [1/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf<std::is_constructible<key_type, const First&>::value && std::is_constructible<mapped_type, const Second&>::value, std::pair<iterator, bool> > momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( const std::pair< First, Second > &  value)

◆ insert() [2/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf<std::is_constructible<key_type, const First&>::value && std::is_constructible<mapped_type, const Second&>::value, iterator> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( const_iterator  hint,
const std::pair< First, Second > &  value 

◆ insert() [3/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( const_iterator  hint,
node_type &&  node 

◆ insert() [4/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf<std::is_constructible<key_type, First&&>::value && std::is_constructible<mapped_type, Second&&>::value, iterator> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( const_iterator  hint,
std::pair< First, Second > &&  value 

◆ insert() [5/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( const_iterator  hint,
std::pair< key_type, mapped_type > &&  value 

◆ insert() [6/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename Iterator >
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( Iterator  first,
Iterator  last 

◆ insert() [7/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
insert_return_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( node_type &&  node)

◆ insert() [8/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( std::initializer_list< value_type values)

◆ insert() [9/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename First , typename Second >
momo::internal::EnableIf<std::is_constructible<key_type, First&&>::value && std::is_constructible<mapped_type, Second&&>::value, std::pair<iterator, bool> > momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( std::pair< First, Second > &&  value)

◆ insert() [10/10]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert ( std::pair< key_type, mapped_type > &&  value)

◆ insert_or_assign() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename MappedArg >
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert_or_assign ( const key_type key,
MappedArg &&  mappedArg 

◆ insert_or_assign() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename MappedArg >
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert_or_assign ( const_iterator  hint,
const key_type key,
MappedArg &&  mappedArg 

◆ insert_or_assign() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename MappedArg >
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert_or_assign ( const_iterator  hint,
key_type &&  key,
MappedArg &&  mappedArg 

◆ insert_or_assign() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename MappedArg >
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::insert_or_assign ( key_type &&  key,
MappedArg &&  mappedArg 

◆ key_eq()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
key_equal momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::key_eq ( ) const

◆ load_factor()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
float momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::load_factor ( ) const

◆ max_bucket_count()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::max_bucket_count ( ) const

◆ max_load_factor() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
float momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::max_load_factor ( ) const

◆ max_load_factor() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::max_load_factor ( float  maxLoadFactor)

◆ max_size()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::max_size ( ) const

◆ merge()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename Map >
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::merge ( Map &&  map)

◆ operator!=()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
bool momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::operator!= ( const unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  right) const

◆ operator=() [1/3]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
unordered_map& momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::operator= ( const unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  right)

◆ operator=() [2/3]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
unordered_map& momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::operator= ( std::initializer_list< value_type values)

◆ operator=() [3/3]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
unordered_map& momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::operator= ( unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &&  right)

◆ operator==()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
bool momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::operator== ( const unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  right) const

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE HashMap::ValueReferenceCKey momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::operator[] ( const key_type key)

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
MOMO_FORCEINLINE HashMap::ValueReferenceRKey momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::operator[] ( key_type &&  key)

◆ rehash()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::rehash ( size_type  bucketCount)

◆ reserve()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::reserve ( size_type  count)

◆ size()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
size_type momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::size ( ) const

◆ swap()

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
void momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::swap ( unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  right)

◆ try_emplace() [1/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename... MappedArgs>
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::try_emplace ( const key_type key,
MappedArgs &&...  mappedArgs 

◆ try_emplace() [2/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename... MappedArgs>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::try_emplace ( const_iterator  hint,
const key_type key,
MappedArgs &&...  mappedArgs 

◆ try_emplace() [3/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename... MappedArgs>
iterator momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::try_emplace ( const_iterator  hint,
key_type &&  key,
MappedArgs &&...  mappedArgs 

◆ try_emplace() [4/4]

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename... MappedArgs>
std::pair<iterator, bool> momo::stdish::unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap >::try_emplace ( key_type &&  key,
MappedArgs &&...  mappedArgs 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ erase_if

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
template<typename ValueFilter >
size_type erase_if ( unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  cont,
const ValueFilter &  valueFilter 

◆ swap

template<typename TKey , typename TMapped , typename THashFunc = HashCoder<TKey>, typename TEqualFunc = std::equal_to<TKey>, typename TAllocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const TKey, TMapped>>, typename THashMap = HashMap<TKey, TMapped, HashTraitsStd<TKey, THashFunc, TEqualFunc>, MemManagerStd<TAllocator>>>
void swap ( unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  left,
unordered_map< TKey, TMapped, THashFunc, TEqualFunc, TAllocator, THashMap > &  right 

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